Hey erybody! haha
Well this week had its ups and downs! But this last Friday I got to go on exchanges and I went to Wichita Falls, Texas!! yes I have been to texas and it is the furthest south that sister missionaries are allowed to go in the mission! woo! Well these exchanges were really just for fun because our sister trainers are in different companionships so I went to texas with one and sister Johnson went to Lawton with the other! But this exchange was basically just for me because the sister trainers came out to Elgin and they agreed that the area is rough and they laughed at me when I asked if my whole mission was going to be like this so they really tried to show me how it really is! So thank you sister trainers! But Texas was great! I was with hermanas and so they had some Spanish lessons and I just sat there! one man was just looking at me one of the times and finally Hermana Jenkins said "Oh she doesn't speak Spanish" and they all laugh...ha ha ha no really is was great though and we were so busy it was just perfect! And I got to ride my bike in the blazing sun! haha I love riding my bike!
We are really focusing on the less actives this week and we did some service for a family. the Elders came down from Anadarko and we all cleaned up the side yard. It was a dirty job plus the humidity and the grasshoppers didn't help a whole lot but she was so grateful! Her husband is deployed and he comes home next month so she is just trying to get things ready for him! Its hard because a lot of people here are in financial need but they won't put in an effort to attend church so the branch president doesn't want to support their lifestyle. We are trying real hard to get them to church!!
Well I sweat like there is no tomorrow and sometimes it is real funny. oh boy super cute Sister Nielsen! I mean what can ya do! we are working hard! and I mean sweating is healthy right? haha We recently got an update on our miles! last month we had unlimited and this month they gave us 800...that is a real funny joke. our branch building is 30 minutes away and then for district meeting it is 45 minutes away! I think the zone leaders are pullin our legs! haha but we are just trying to be careful so we walk a lot! more walking more sweating! love it! so do the people we talk to! haha
Well I hope you all have a wonderful week:)
Love, Alisha
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