Jun 2, 2014

"Let Us All Press On"


This week we had a couple of hard times, as we have recently have had a drought in our teaching pool. haha We have seen so many first contact miracles and then they fizzle out. How do you prevent this? No clue. If you know, help a sister out and spit some advice this way :) But anyway, after waking up in the morning after a rough day of work, "Let us all press on" was stuck in my head. What a tender mercy :) I had to write the first verse in my journal just to explain how happy it made me feel! haha and then I almost yelled "courage, for the Lord is on our side," but I thought writing it down would be a better form or expression at 6:30 in the morning!

Another miracle! We have been seeing a less active named Abby, recently she has had a huge change of heart and she has decided to come back to church. She has been there the last two weeks! Abby has just made a huge impact on my heart. She is a single mother to two autistic children, and every time I have been in her home and something arises she is so quick to respond with love to her kids. She talks to them with love and she talks to them about their Heavenly Father and how He would want them to treat themselves and others. I wish you all could see what an amazing lady she is. This realization just got stronger as I was sitting by them in sacrament and they were fussy and so I was doing the best I could to have them draw in my notebook or play with my Plan of Salvation cut out pieces. Life as a mother is rough but super rewarding; and I am not even there yet! haha 

Later on this week we had someone approach us with Anti information and at first it was scary and I doubted some things but right there the thought "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith" popped into my head then the spirit just confirmed to me that I had not been led astray as this person had thought. I have had so many spiritual confirmations that I know that God would not confuse me like that, or anyone for that matter. I just thought that was a really neat experience and I am grateful that it happened. We didn't try to convince this person of anything, but I just bore my testimony about how I have come to find happiness and that is through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I hope that you all have a great week :) thank you for your prayers :)

Love, Sister Nielsen 

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