Seasons greetings my friends :)
I hope that you enjoy this glorious photo with me and my friend James. James is an investigator and he is also dating a less active member. This photo is probably one of the classiest photos you will ever see. We were in this less-actives home and she has a lot of stuff and I saw these classy hats over in the corner and so we took pictures with them and then afterwards we taught James about the Book of Mormon. He committed to reading 3 Nephi chapter 11 and we will be seeing him this Friday.

I was able to go on my last exchange with the STLs and I was with Sister Cottle. We are pretty similar and I am grateful that I have been able to exchange with her a lot. We were probably friends in the premortal existence. One thing that we talked about a lot was the reason why we serve those around us. I was thinking the other day about the Christmas initiative and the reason for all of the advertisement of "He is the Gift." I don't think that the first presidency intended to show the wealth of the church, but to reach out to as many people as possible so that they could discover the true meaning of Christmas. I know that the leaders of the church are inspired men and women and they probably prayed a lot about this next step to spread the gospel. As I was looking back over the conferences, a new temple has not been announced since I have been on my mission, just the completion of those already being constructed. They probably were inspired to do this awhile ago and so they prepared in advance so that they could go about this new way to share the gospel. I know that our leaders are inspired and that God directs His work. His work won't be frustrated because He wanted everyone to remember the true meaning of Christmas.
I hope that you all have a great week :) Stay safe and warm!
Love, Sister Alisha Nielsen
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