Hello Everyone:)
Thank you all for the birthday wishes:) I have the best family in the world:)
So this week had its highs and lows! But good thing we learn best from the lows:) We had the opportunity to rebuild a fence for a couple who is really struggling. And I want to stress the word REALLY. But here in Oklahoma you have to keep your yard up to certain standard or you get fined. So we helped them rebuild their fence and chop the tree down that was growing through it! It was crazy haha because honestly if you can imagine the secret garden in your mind, magnify it about 10 times and that was their backyard! haha it was a great adventure. The hardest part was that the man was not very grateful and he was very rude to the elders so the enviornment was not very wonderful! It was ok because as we were driving away Brother Connor (a member) just said: "Well, we just built the Lord a fence, Elders and Sisters." That just made me feel a lot better! When we serve others, we are serving the Lord :)
Want to hear a funny joke? I was wearing one of my favorite skirts the other day and I was about to go to the bathroom (this is appropriate so don't worry). I don't like for my skirt to sit on the floor to I usually raise it. Well, I was stupid and took it by the bottom in the back (it was a pencil skirt so it had a little slit) and I pulled up and basically ripped my skirt in half...good thing that we were in our apartment! haha bless my heart. I took it to a member to be fixed because the seam was just split. Thank goodness for laughter:)
Yesterday morning we went to go visit Patty. We helped her with a stuck cabinet door and then she told us that she would not be coming to church. That was hard because she was the only person that was going to be there this week for us and so that really just made us feel not so great. We were walking out and I just felt crappy (the nicest way I can put it), but then bishop called and asked me to step in to speak in sacrament. Thank you bishop. I cried haha But I was grateful for speaking because I learned a lot and now I know that I can prepare a talk in a hour. It might not be pretty but I can do it! haha Also it strengthened my testimony on how we need to be converted. Are we converted to the Lord? In Jacob, it talks about a man named Sherem that denies Christ and he comes to Jacob to "shake him in his faith" but Jacob just states "I could not be shaken." How cool is that? And how many of us could honestly say that we can not be shaken? Cool thought! I am getting there. :)
I love you all:) Have a good week!
Love Sister Nielsen
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