Hello everyone:)
I hope that you all enjoyed conference. One thing that has really made a lot of difference was watching conference at church. I think that you are a lot more focused there and you have less distractions. Really powerful and I encourage you all to at least watch one session of conference at a church next session. :)
So my favorite part about conference was how the sessions really fit to the needs of our investigators here. Elder Hollands talk was perfect for one of our investigators named Karen. She suffers from depression and I thought that that talk was just beautiful. It also made me think about how all of us have our own little rough patches in our lives and how we need to overcome them and endure them. And then I related it to my studies, I was reading in the Old Testament about how Joseph is sold into Egypt and then through his trials and faith, and of course with the help of the Lord, he overcomes his trials. Well when he shows himself to his brothers and then he tells them that the Lord planned for him to be sold into Eygpt to save his family from the famine. I thought that this was so cool that sometimes we go through hard things to better ourselves and others. So with Elder Holland's talk I really do believe that whoever endures their trials well, WILL BE EXALTED ON HIGH. Just remember that:) I loved all of conference and the family choir oh gosh! so great:)
So in the city we have been so busy and honestly time is flying. It really does make a difference when it comes to the area that you are in! I have loved it so far and I am trying to soak things in! haha I am having a hard time really connecting with the people here because they have such a great relationship with the other two sisters but I hope that things get better because I haven't been the best teacher! haha I am learning! I will do better :)
Well I will keep you all updated on life in the big city:) stay classy my friends and I love you all!
Love, Alisha
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