This last week has been more learning the area and the families in Harrah. It has been great because I have been able to get to know the people we teach and the members a little bit better. I am grateful that the spirit is the same no matter where you go. You can still feel the spirit when you testify of Jesus Christ out here in Harrah as much as you can feel it in Moore. I am so grateful for the chance to identify the spirit in my life and I want to live in a way where it can always stay with me. Last night we had the chance to talk with the Relief Society President, Sister Schrupp, about the ladies in the ward. Well her husband got home and we chatted for a little bit about our missions and the experiences that we have faced. It was a huge testimony builder as I was able to identify when the spirit was super strong throughout my mission and then situations that had the spirit sucked out of them. (Stories for home :) ) I am so very grateful that I have been able to feel that spirit.
I have been blessed to be able to see some of my growth as I have been out on a mission. I have changed the way that I view myself and others and I know that is because of the better understanding that I have of the atonement of Jesus Christ. I don't understand it perfectly.....who does? But I have been able to better understand and apply how my Heavenly Father views me and how He also views those around me. What a wonderful gift we have been given! Sometimes I want to yell "THE CHURCH IS TRUE!" at the top of my lungs. hahaha (kind of like when I would yell I LOVE YOU-mom) haha I used to only get an overwhelming sense of love when I talked about my family, like my heart could explode. This feeling is there because I love them so much and I know that they love me too, they show me that all the time :) But know I have had the chance to feel that same feeling when I talk about our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and how much they love us! It is such a neat experience. I am awful at getting my feelings out over email but I will just tell you that I know that we really do have a Father in Heaven that loves us, and that is why He sent His son to help us get back to Him. I know that! Because I have felt that love in my life and I understand it a little bit better.
The weather has been wonderful because we have been able to actually walk around outside and not have sweat dropping down our backs! haha I love this time of the year!
I love you all a ton :) have a great week! #homiesforlife haha
Love, Sister Nielsen
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