Hello from Oklahoma :)
We have had a wonderful week! We got a referral for a family that lives is the very south most part of our area and so we needed a ride to get down there. Good thing there are wonderful members everywhere, because we were able to visit this family and invite them to church! They ended up coming yesterday and they are probably some of the coolest people I have ever met. Both of them belong to a biker gang, but they have certain standards that go along with that! They go around doing charity events and they are hard core! haha
This week I was studying and I wanted to read a talk that has helped me a lot these last few days. I am not good at this myself and I have to remind myself all the time to live in the moment and not in the past or the future. Elder Utchdorf gave a talk about the forget me not flower and this was one of his five points. "Forget not to be happy now." I have had so many great opportunities in life and I have been so blessed! I mean look at my rockin' awesome family :) haha but some times I live on my past mistakes or the weaknesses that I have now or about fears in the future. This line in the talk really stuck out to me and I want to apply it better this upcoming week :) I have all of the reasons in the world to be happy now :)
Yesterday we were blessed with another wonderful member to come out with us. We were invited over to a mans house and there were three men there. We were going to talk about the restoration of the church, but we didn't get a word out. One of the men really didn't want to hear what we had to say, so he proceeded to argue about the teachings of the gospel. We didn't give him any information but he was spitting stuff out like crazy. We left without saying much but we did bear our testimonies. The member that came with us really had our backs. She didn't bash, but she let the man know what she believed. I know that she came with us for a reason. The purpose of this man was to probably shake us in our faith or question what we believe, but every single time I run into people that dispute the church I come away feeling more sure about what I believe.
I love you guys :)
Love, Sister Nielsen
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